

Routers are geographically distributed hubs, connecting all network nodes and managing both incoming and outgoing web requests to the validator. They are incentivized to operate efficiently, with rewards proportional to the stake delegated to each router. All traffic routed through their relays is encrypted and metered for security and performance.

Post decentralization, routers will be compensated based on the total validated bandwidth served through their relays.


The router is responsible for reporting the following metrics to validators in the network:

  1. Size in bytes of each incoming and outgoing request

  2. Latency from each node and latency from validator

  3. Network status of each connected node


Rewards are distributed to individual router delegates depending on their staked contribution to the network:

Rd=Rp+Sd(DI)TR_d = R_p+ S_d\cdot\frac{(D \cdot I)}{T}


  • RdR_d is the total rewards accumulated by a delegate.

  • RpR_p is the rewards accumulated before the start of the next reward interval.

  • SdS_d is the current number of tokens staked by the delegate.

  • DD is the number of tokens distributed each time slot.

  • II is the number of time slots between the last distributed reward.

  • TT is the current total staked token pool.

Rewards claimed by router delegates and router operators:

Rc=Rd(1C)R_c = R_d \cdot (1-C)
Ro=RdCR_o = R_d \cdot C


  • RcR_c is the rewards claimed by the delegate.

  • RdR_d is the total rewards accumulated by a delegate.

  • RoR_o is the rewards claimed by the router operator.

  • CC is the router commission rate.

Post Decentralization Reward Structure

The rewards calculation for routers based on the described metrics:

  • RR is the reward for a router.

  • BB is the total validated bandwidth served, which includes both incoming and outgoing request lengths in bytes.

  • LnL_n is the average latency from each node to the router.

  • LvL_v is the latency from the router to the validator.

  • SS is the network reputation of each connected node.

R=kBB(1KL(Ln+Lv)Lmax)SR = k_B \cdot B \cdot (1-\frac{K_L \cdot (L_n+L_v)}{L_{max}}) \cdot S


  • kBk_B is a coefficient determining the base reward per byte of validated bandwidth.

  • kLk_L is a coefficient to adjust the impact of latency on the rewards.

  • LmaxL_{max} is a normalization factor (maximum reasonable latency).

  • SS directly multiplies the reward, adjusting it based on the quality of the network connection as assessed by the network.

This formula provides a structured approach to calculating router rewards, emphasizing the importance of served bandwidth while also considering the impact of latency and network quality. The specific values for kBk_B, kLk_L, and LmaxL_{max} would need to be defined by the network.


Routers are responsible for initial checks on each node to ensure network compliance and are required to maintain connectivity for greater than 75% (subject to change) of the total pool. Failure to provide a consistent pool of accessible nodes will reduce the efficacy of the network to collect data and will result in the potential slashing of staked assets.

Last updated